Mikas Corner

☆ Digging in Dirt ☆

Heyo, I'm Mikayel.
Im not sure what this is going to be yet, so I'm just going to play with this space until I find out what I want to do with it

frog sitting in dirt frog sitting in dirt with a wizard hat on and sparkles around him

I like dirt and water and all the animals and plants that live there.
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This is the first 3D model Ive made in some time. I'm really excited that I managed to get the grainy old videogame look I wanted to get!
The background is a ripped up magazine page about the ocean. I took a photo of it and put it on a curved plane behind the fish. But it worked perfectly for this project!
The texture is painted by hand in CSP and theres some subsurface scattering going on, too. And some compositing in the end.
The grainy texture was mainly made by using 3 samples for my renders and not denoising.

grainy gif of a fish 3dmodel

aaah Im so proud of this!!!


is this even working

some pretty prickly flowers